Dental Filling


Dental Filling

What is Filling Treatment?

Teeth can be damaged by food residues and hygienic conditions. In order not to increase this destruction, the work to be done in order for the teeth to fulfill their normal functions is called OK. The filling is the filling of the decayed tooth with the material of the value that will emerge with the material.

Filling Types
Composite Fill:

It is preferred in the color of preference in tooth structure coming from the vein and tooth fractures. It is more preferred to the anterior teeth that look closest to the tooth color. It has aesthetics and ventilation.

Amalgam Filling:

As a silver filling, it contains an amalgam coating and is preferred to practical back teeth. Its durability is the best school.

Porcelain Filling(Inlay-Onlay):

Porcelain skin measurement is made by sticking it to the tooth. It is the closest application to the tooth color.

Is Filling Applied?

It is intended to be used for the purpose of the tooth to be made from the skin. There will be caries and tooth preference in the tooth to be filled. Prepared and Prepared to be filled. Finally, the filling in the tooth is polished.

Filling Treatment Advantages

It ensures that damaged teeth get healthy teeth. It helps to fill the organizations in the teeth. It can be reduced in the normal rotation of rotten and broken teeth. It provides the shape of the tooth color and shape. It is compatible with normal dental tissues in people at reasonable prices. It helps to design an image by supporting the smile design.

Fillers Disadvantages

Teeth that have been damaged by filling treatment are also old. For this, alternative shapes can be created.

Treatment Summary

Number of Transactions


Return to Work Process


Processing Time

10 Days

Full Recovery Process


Anesthesia Method

Local anesthesia

Persistence of Results

5 Years

Sensitivity Process


Eating - Drinking Process

2 Hours Later

Note: *The information and recommendations on this page are for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. WhatsApp line.

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gs Dental Filling

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