Our Chief Dentist, Mustafa Söylemez, has been working with the Hospitadent brand since 2011. Mustafa, who has also been the chief physician of our branch since 2019, is very successful in Diagnóstico bucal, aesthetic dentistry, prosthesis and conservative treatments.
Turco e ingles
Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry
- Removable and Fixed Prosthetic Solutions for Totally Edentoid Patients
- Porcelain Lamina Veneers from Planning to Cementation
- Implant and Natural Tooth Peripheral Soft Tissue Problems and Treatment Strategy
- Changing Lines in Implant-Top Prosthesis Impression Applications
- Are Jaw Joint Disorders Unsolved?
- Innovation and Use of Rotary Instruments in Endodontics
- Dental Photography in Clinical Practice

Comentarios del paciente
Fui a Adana para mis tratamientos dentales, el Sr. Mustafa, después de un examen detallado, mi maestro Taner se interesó en mis tratamientos, su atención a su trabajo y su atención a todos los detalles más que a mí me hizo muy feliz. La atención de Las chicas y asistentes en la recepción también fueron muy sinceras, gracias a todos.
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Turquía | Zafer A.