Placeholder Treatment
Salih ÖNDER2023-10-26T15:14:26+03:00One of the most important functions of milk teeth is to protect the permanent teeth underneath them until they erupt. The eruption of milk teeth and the eruption of permanent teeth is a very sensitive process and a wrong intervention in this process can cause serious orthodontic problems in the future. For this reason, it is very important to protect the milk teeth, to prevent caries, and to protect their position in case of early loss, especially in terms of dental aesthetics.
What is Early Milk Tooth Loss?
milk teeth; It can be lost earlier than it should be due to reasons such as infection, excessively progressive caries, tooth root resorption, insufficient breast milk intake, genetic factors, wrong bottle and pacifier use, thumb sucking. Since these losses may cause many orthodontic problems in the coming years, the necessity of using placeholders is frequently mentioned by the experts.
What is a Placeholder?
Placeholders are assistive devices that can be fixed or movable to replace the primary teeth lost before eruption. Placeholders are made to prevent the slipping of the teeth adjacent to the gap of the lost teeth and the elongation of the tooth corresponding to the upper or lower. Thus, tooth decay, mouth closing disorders, speech and chewing functions are regulated.
Is a Placeholder Necessary for Every Milk Tooth Loss?
If the root formation in the permanent tooth under the prematurely lost primary tooth is past half, a placeholder may not be needed. Again, according to the closing relationship, there may be situations where the dentist does not consider the placeholder necessary.
How to Make a Placeholder
The placeholder device is prepared in the high-tech orthodontic laboratories of Dental Group Hospitadent, with the approval of the dentist, in accordance with the personal and intraoral dimensions of the person.
What are the Types of Placeholders?
There are two types of placeholders that are chosen according to the age and personal characteristics of the child: Movable, removable placeholders and fixed placeholders.
Movable placeholders are removable appliances. They are used in older children who can take responsibility for this. Movable placeholders are devices made from an acrylic material in harmony with the mouth, by taking the size of the child’s mouth in the clinic. It is preferred when there are spaces larger than a single tooth and there are missing teeth on both sides of the jaw. It can be worn all day long, and can be removed during meals if desired.
Fixed placeholders are designed according to the measurements taken and adhered to the tooth. It is fixed, but can be removed under the control of the dentist. It is removed when it is determined that the permanent tooth has started to erupt during the dentist controls. The use of fixed placeholders is preferred in cases where there is a one-sided missing tooth and the child’s age is small. In addition, temporary dental prostheses are used instead of placeholders in cases where teeth are not formed due to syndromes such as ectodermal dysplasia (an inherited developmental disorder) or in large losses that progress to the anterior teeth such as trauma.
Placeholders do not adversely affect the child’s jaw development. However, as the jaw structure of the growing child will also grow and develop, placeholders may lose their harmony with the mouth after a while. In this case, the measurement must be taken and re-done.
What are the Considerations When Using Placeholders?
- Children who use placeholders should pay attention to their mouth and teeth cleaning. Otherwise, the food accumulating around this appliance may form new bruises.
If problems such as mouth sores occur when first used, a physician should be consulted immediately.
It is important to use it regularly every day. In case of interruption of use, the compatibility of the appliance with the mouth may be interrupted.
It should be removed before sleep, cleaned and kept in water. If it stays dry for a long time, it loses its harmony with the mouth.
Early loss of milk teeth is a health problem that should not be neglected, as it can lead to serious orthodontic problems in the future. Parents who encounter such a situation should take their child to the dentist as soon as possible. Placeholder application is done in all branches by the expert staff of Dental Group Hospitadent
Treatment Summary
Number of Transactions
Return to Work Process
Processing Time
10 Days
Full Recovery Process
Anesthesia Method
Local anesthesia
Persistence of Results
5 Years
Sensitivity Process
Eating - Drinking Process
2 Hours Later
Note: *The information and recommendations on this page are for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. WhatsApp line.
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