How to relieve toothache during pregnancy?

How to relieve toothache during pregnancy?

How Does Toothache Pass Durıng Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, which is one of the most sensitive periods for women, teeth and gums become sensitive with an increase in the level of hormones in the body. During this period, changing balances in the expectant mother’s body cause gum diseases and tooth decay. Expectant mothers need to take more care of their dental health than ever, because long-term gum diseases that occur during pregnancy can lead to tooth loss in the future. Due to the effect of increased progesterone and estrogen hormones during pregnancy, the gums can become sensitive, bleeding easily. This condition is called pregnancy gingivitis. When pregnancy gingivitis progresses, rocking and loss of teeth may also occur. Pregnancy gingivitis usually occurs at the 2nd stage of pregnancy. starting in the month of 8. it reaches the highest level during the month, it also recovers spontaneously after childbirth. Toothache during pregnancy may occur due to the causes of sensitivity written above.

How Does Pregnancy Affect Oral Health?

There are changes in oral and dental health during pregnancy, but it is not true that there will be a loss of calcium in the teeth of the expectant mother during pregnancy, and the expectant mother will lose teeth during every pregnancy. The most important change during this period is the increase in hormone (estrogen and progesreton) levels.

In parallel with this situation, the accumulation of plaque on the teeth increases. If plaque is not removed effectively, gingivitis (swelling, bleeding, redness of the gums) occurs. this condition called ‘pregnancy gingivitis’ affects the majority of pregnant women, especially 2. and 3. it affects with different severity during monthly periods. The severity of gingivitis, which also existed before pregnancy, may increase with pregnancy and progress to periodontitis. With effective care and cleaning of teeth, a balanced diet and regular visits to the dentist, gingivitis and, accordingly, toothache during pregnancy can be prevented.

When Should I Go to the Dentist?

If a pregnancy is planned, you should go to the dentist first for a check-up. If all teeth that are thought to cause problems during pregnancy need to be treated, it should be done before pregnancy. Treatments that were not performed before pregnancy are exposed along with the gums that become sensitive during pregnancy and force the expectant mother during this period.

Procedures That Should Not Be Performed During Pregnancy

Daily oral and dental care should definitely not be disrupted.

Plaque accumulation should be prevented by performing effective dental care using a toothbrush and dental floss at least twice a day.

Mouthwash should be gargled with mouthwashes or warm salt water.

Warm salt water soothes the gums and reduces gum sensitivity. Gargling with warm salt water should be done at December intervals.

Routine dentist check-ups should be performed before and during pregnancy.

Very hot or very cold food and drinks should be avoided.

Care should be taken to use a toothbrush with high-quality and soft bristles.

Sugary foods and drinks should be avoided.

Teeth should be brushed to eliminate the acidic environment that occurs in the mouth after vomiting.


All procedures can be performed during the pregnancy process. The optimal time for any dental treatment is 4. and 6. between the months. Dec. Non-urgent procedures can be postponed until after pregnancy. However, in emergency cases accompanied by pain, treatment can also be carried out at any time of pregnancy. This condition varies in relation to the problem that occurs in the teeth of the expectant mother.

Do Teeth Decay Faster During Pregnancy?

The change in the balance in the body of the expectant mother during pregnancy creates an environment suitable for faster decay of teeth. Nausea and vomiting observed in the first months both create an acidic environment in the mouth and cause insufficient attention to oral care. Changing eating habits, avoiding brushing teeth due to the fact that the gums bleed quickly can make the teeth more prone to decay. Teeth should be brushed at least 2 times a day, cleaned with dental floss. If brushing your teeth in the morning is uncomfortable, mouth juices or mouthwashes can be used. During this period, dentist checks should also not be disrupted.

Is Dental Treatment Performed During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy consists of 3 periods:

First trimester: This period is a period when the mother and baby are very sensitive. Unnecessary interventions can cause miscarriage. This is the period when only very urgent interventions will be made. The dentist will provide treatment with drugs that do not harm the baby.

The second trimester: this period is characterized by tooth extraction, root canal treatment, dental calculus cleaning, etc., which is inappropriate to postpone until the end of pregnancy. it is the most suitable period for performing many treatments. Expectant mothers feel safer for themselves and their baby during this period compared to the first and last periods.

Third trimester: During this period, the baby has grown quite a lot in the womb and the birth is approaching. As in the first trimester, it is beneficial not to intervene except for emergency treatments. The medications used or the stress and excitement that the mother may experience may pose a risk of premature birth. The simplest thing that can be done to prevent the occurrence of an urgent dental problem during pregnancy is to have your routine dentist check-ups, it is a fact that nutrition during pregnancy has an effect on the oral and dental health of both the expectant mother and her baby. Expectant mothers should consume foods rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, Calcium and Phosphorus for dental health.

Toothache During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the diet and hormonal balance outside the normal time sensitize the body. Thanks to this, the body quickly processes bacteria coming from outside into it. Expectant mothers who neglect oral and dental care before and during pregnancy may encounter problems such as severe toothaches during pregnancy. Toothache during pregnancy is a condition that is often observed.

Causes of Toothache During Pregnancy

The increased sensitivity of the body before and during pregnancy prepares the ground for situations that can cause toothache. There are two important points here:

1- Food consumption during pregnancy goes beyond normal and becomes excessive. This consumption is usually carbohydrate-heavy. With a carbohydrate-heavy diet and neglect of oral and dental health, plaque formation begins in the gums, as plaque formation increases, bleeding gums, swelling and tooth decay also manifest themselves over time.

2- An increase in tooth sensitivity is felt due to changing hormones during pregnancy. Not only tooth sensitivity, but sensitivity is seen throughout the body.

Problems that may occur during pregnancy can be prevented by having oral and dental care before pregnancy. If expectant mothers do not neglect oral and dental care and make it a routine, the risk of encountering problems such as toothache during pregnancy will be very low.

How Does Toothache Pass During Pregnancy?

Solutions for toothache encountered during pregnancy vary depending on factors such as the degree of pain and the period of pregnancy. When the expectant mother encounters a toothache problem, she should contact the dentist first. If the pain becomes unbearable until you go to the doctor, the following applications can be applied to alleviate it:

– Gargling can be done with warm salt water.

– Very hot or cold foods and drinks that will trigger toothache can be avoided.

– A cold compress can be applied to the cheek.


After the problems that cause toothache during pregnancy are treated, care should be taken to visit the dentist regularly.



How should oral and dental care be done during pregnancy?

The personal oral and dental care that needs to be done during pregnancy is no different than in the normal period. Teeth should be brushed at least 2 times a day. In addition to brushing, dental floss and auxiliary mouthwashes should October be used.

Does tooth loss occur during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, the idea that ”every child takes a tooth” is a common belief in our country. However, this is not correct. Such a situation is not the case for a mother-to-be who performs oral and dental care correctly and regularly.

Does nausea and vomiting during pregnancy cause tooth wear?

Stomach acid that comes from the stomach to the mouth as a result of vomiting can damage the teeth. In order to prevent wear and sensitivity on the teeth, the mouth should be rinsed with plenty of water after vomiting and the amount of acid should be reduced. After vomiting, it should be waited for 20 – 30 minutes for brushing. Brushing teeth is not done immediately. Because brushing immediately, stomach acid contact can cause more damage to the surface of the tooth.

What should be done if a toothache occurs during pregnancy?

Toothache is the most basic harbinger of problems related to oral and dental health. You should visit your dentist as soon as possible. If there is a situation that requires intervention, a program can be made together with your gynecologist and dentist.


At what time can dental treatments be performed during pregnancy?

If there is no intervention during pregnancy, emergency dental treatments that are thought to cause more harm to the mother can be performed. The most suitable period for treatments is the period between 3-6 months of pregnancy Dec. The most correct thing is that the dentist and obstetrician decide together according to the type of treatment and the person, regardless of which period of pregnancy it is.

Can a pregnant patient’s tooth be anesthetized?

Local anesthesia can be applied during this process.

Can a pregnant patient have a dental X-ray?

In a very urgent situation and if an X-ray examination is required, the necessary measures (lead apron, etc. ) can be withdrawn by taking.

Can dental treatment be performed for a pregnant patient? What treatments can be done?

  • in the period of 1-3 months: it is necessary to avoid unnecessary interventions. But treatments such as tooth extraction, root canal treatment, which require urgent treatment, can be performed.
  • in the period of 3-6 months: during this period, tooth extraction, fillings, root canal treatments, etc., which are inappropriate to postpone until the end of pregnancy, are performed. many treatments can be done.