Don’t Let Bruises Increase During Ramadan

Don’t Let Bruises Increase During Ramadan

Factors such as the fact that the number of meals in 24 hours in Ramadan is 2 in total, and the time between sahur and iftar is long, especially in summer, poses great risks for oral health. Bacteria that reproduce easily in the mouth when teeth are not brushed for a long time from sahur to iftar; It causes cavities, gum problems and bad breath.

Oral and dental health gains more importance during Ramadan. Especially in summer, factors such as the long time between sahur and iftar and the total number of meals in 24 hours pose great risks for oral health.

Dentist Recep Eşkar, Board Member of Hospitadent Oral and Dental Health Center, stated that when teeth are not brushed for a long time from sahur to iftar, bacteria that reproduce easily in the mouth cause caries to increase, and emphasized that this situation causes an increase in tooth, gum problems and bad breath.

Stating that the month of Ramadan causes significant changes in eating habits, Eşkar said that this significantly affects the oral and dental health of individuals. Dentist Recep Eşkar, pointing out that some precautions should be taken to ensure the adaptation of the body to this change, explained why dental disorders increased in this period:


“Since our eating and drinking functions decrease during the fasting day, the secretion produced by the salivary glands and the washing capacity of the saliva also decrease. This creates a suitable environment for the growth of bacteria and the formation of tooth decay. At the same time, many people who fast during the day have low blood sugar, which increases their consumption of sugary foods and drinks at iftar. This causes bacteria to increase, and tooth decay and bad breath when oral and dental care is not taken.


Stating that these ailments can be prevented by brushing the teeth without paste right after sahur and iftar and during the day, Recep Eşkar said that acidic foods and drinks should be avoided in Ramadan as always. Stating that sugary carbohydrate foods should be consumed less in sahur, Eşkar continued as follows: “A diet rich in calcium foods such as cheese and milk and fruit and vegetables is very important for healthy teeth. After iftar and sahur, the teeth should be brushed more carefully, while brushing the teeth, the tongue surface and gum areas should be cleaned thoroughly with the help of a brush. In addition to brushing, an oral antiseptic should be used, if none of these occur, gargle with salt water after brushing.


  • Brush your teeth after iftar and sahur.
  • Avoid high sugar foods, especially sahur.
  • Make sure to use dental floss.
  • Brush not only your teeth but also your tongue.
  • Pay attention to the cleanliness of your prosthesis.

board member

Dt. Recep Ashkar